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a project by Amelie, Marlena, Selena & Xander

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Interpretation on Jacque Lacan's
"mirror stage"

On this blog we want to deal with the topic of the mirror stage. In our brainstorming session we talked about many different aspects of the mirror stages and want to show our ideas of different interpretations to you.

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From a very young age, the developmental stage is formed in all of us, known as the mirror stage, in which we recognize our own image in the mirror for the first time as a child between the 6th and 18th month of life. According to the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, we welcome this image with great joy and rapture, which according to Lacan is the identification of ourselves, because for the first time we see ourselves completely, instead of divided or partial. At the same time, however, we experience it with the fear of the fragmentation of this newly invented unity, known as fear of fragmentation. This is how the psychic function of the ME (also known as "ever") is constructed because it is only through the inquired self-image that we develop a consciousness of ourselves, from which point we slowly begin to distinguish the I and not the I (outside world). We see ourselves as autonomous, coherent and complete living beings. At this stage, an identification mechanism emerges, which determines the human development of the ME or the subject, its way of perception and the subject-object relationship.

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While on the one hand we are the victims of our own narcissism and allegorically reflect the myth of Narcissus, on the other hand another...

Narcissism in advertising and society

Psychologically, in his love, Narcissus longs for himself, which would not represent identification with a counterpart, but that the...

Narcissus in Greek mythology

In Greek mythology, Narcissus is a handsome 16 year old youth with whom many fell in love because of his beauty. But he returned their...

Mirror Stage and Narcissism

fragmentation of this newly invented unity, known as fragmentation anxiety. In this way the psychic function of the I (also known as "ever"


The Mirror Stage is not only about looking at yourself as a subject, but also how you yourself as a subject affect others. Before...

Our mirror image completes our identity?

When we look into a mirror, we look at our reflection and study the shape of our body. We are using this as a way of identification....

The mirror stage during lifetime

When talking about Lacan's mirror stage, it is usually about a baby at the age of 6 months recognising itself as a subject in the mirror...


In the beginning of this project week we decided to look closer at the phenomenon of the „mirror stage“. I was especially interested in...

"Cigoto ergo sum"

"Ich denke also bin ich"


René Descartes

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In this project we tried to discover new aspects and perspectives of the mirror stage.  We wrote about the digitalization, the  image we have of ourselves, the change and splitting from the object to subject and possibly back to the object. And we also dealth with the formation of the narcissism, which is  more spread today then ever before.  We tried to conect some interesting factsbeetween mirror stage, the development of Narcisstic Behaviour and todays advertisments, which are including and also supporting the Narcissism.  
The mirror stage is not only about looking at yourself as a subject, but also how you yourself as a subject affect others. Especially during times of digitalisation it’s easy to manipulate your 
virtual apperance to others. So the picture that you want to represent also changes during time and throughout a changing society depending if you let yourself get influenced by that. So are you really yourself? 
While researching the topic of the mirror stage we also discovered the phenomenon of the splitting of the identity. 
We realized that this splitting also takes place in various moments in life and never really stops. 
Increasing digitalization has strongly influenced our society today and also had an impact on the mirror stage according to Jacque Lacan. In the meantime, one can almost recognize a regression from "moi" to "je" in some points.

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